Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Cup

If you live under the illusion that you are "not enough" you will never see yourself as the Cup. Instead you will see yourself as a crack or a fault in the Cup.  Sure we are all flawed in some ways, but this idea that there is something inherently wrong with us is absurd. How did we come to this conclusion? Who is holding the measuring tape? Usually some authority figure, organization or religion that is trying to control us by attacking our self-worth.

It is important to understand the distinction between self-improvement and self-worth. At its very core self-improvement says that we are broken and we need to be fixed. It comes from striving to be something or someone other than who you are. 

Self-worth is knowing that you already have everything you need and that you are the person you've been waiting for. There is nothing to reach. There is only BEING and LIVING who you are.

You are worthy because you are one with All That Is.  You don't need "self-improvement" because you cannot improve who you are - your Authentic Self. 

The goal in life is not to BECOME who you are, but to ACCEPT that who you are is enough. Said another way, if where you are today isn't good enough, then nothing you can do or achieve will ever be good enough. You can't be fixed because you are not broken.

Let's go back to the metaphor of the acorn and the oak tree again. The acorn is complete, but it still it is not an oak tree. It contains the BLUEPRINT of the oak tree and by realizing its CAPACITY to be an oak tree on a day-to-day bases, it grows into the
fullness of that inherent blueprint. We are like the acorn and each of us has the ability to embrace the perfect blueprint of our greatness.

The ONLY way you can eliminate the feeling that you are "not enough" is to declare RIGHT NOW that you have the CAPACITY for greatness and that you are enough just the way you are and then start to live that on a daily basis.

What is important to remember is we are the Cup. It's a Cup that naturally expands to make room for us to expand.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how large or small, please record it. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Power Of Focus

Hi Friends!

When we were born we didn't get an owner's manual for our minds. We created reality through our focus of attention and our thoughts.

Your POINT OF FOCUS determines your POINT OF ATTRACTION.  Let me put it this way - If there are 100 things surrounding you and 1 of them is good and the other 99 are rotten, if you focus on the 1, the other 99 must leave you.  

If you are surrounded by 100 things and 99 of them are good and 1 of them is rotten and you focus on the one that is rotten, in your quest to quell the problem, the other 99 will become rotten too. That is the power of your focus. 

So use the power of your focus and the guidance that comes from within and work every day to stand wherever you are and see the world through the eyes of Source Energy. As you do, you will attract people who will resonate with your desires and those who have been annoying you will annoy you less or go away all together.

You cannot hold in your experience unpleasant things when you are looking for that which is pleasant. You cannot bring to your experience pleasant things when you are fixated on something unpleasant.  It is as simple as that. Tune yourself in to what you want and watch how cooperative the Law of Attraction and this universe will be for you.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Our Success!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How To Reach Desired Outcome

Hi Friends!

In order to reach your desired outcome you must focus your attention on what you desire.  Seems simple doesn't it?  But most people do the opposite. They focus on what they don't want and that's what they get.

If you have to have surgery, how would you feel if your doctor was watching a ball game on TV at the same time?  Wouldn't you want him to focus on what he was doing instead of being distracted?

You cannot serve two masters.  In any moment you are either moving TOWARDS or AWAY from the things you desire based on what you focus on most of the time.

Pay attention to what you are focused on as you go through your day today...

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!
Johan Halid  ( Luxjohan's Blog )

Monday, October 4, 2010

12 Steps Living & Wining "Game of Life"

Hi Friends,

Living a dream lifestyle gives richness to life; you live with excitement, passion, a sense of purpose and a feeling that life is a miraculous gift. You get a spring in your walk, a smile on your face and your energy levels are high. And there is that specialsomething that people feel when they are around you. Welcome to the good life!

Living a dream lifestyle affects all areas of your life. Your health gets better by far. Automatically. Your relationships get far better, automatically. Your finances improve, automatically. Even if you have problems, they don't swallow you up, you live on, and rarely pay attention to the doom-side of things. You know what I mean? Not much ruins your day.

The opposite, not living your dream, not living your passions, makes life seem like a struggle, a daily grind, a curse, even.

So how do you win the game of life and live your dream lifestyle?

You do so by setting certain specific things in order. And as with all things, you go first, always. You have to set three things about you in order first.

1. Get clear on what your dream lifestyle looks like by understanding what your top 5 passions are. A passion is not a goal, it is a way of life. Without clarity, you will get lost. You need something to aim for, and a vision of how it looks like when you get there. (Did you know that most people would struggle to tell you with certainty what their top 5 passions are?)

2, Figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are. Do not bother fix your weaknesses. Don't. I will show you what to do with them. Focus only on your strengths. That is where you freedom lies. (Did you know that most people would struggle to tell you with certainty what their mental, emotional, spiritual and physical strengths are?)

3. Understand your wealth profile, where you fit in the game of life, and what networks and support you need. There are only 9 possible roles that exist, and we all belong to one of the 9. For example, maybe you are a creator (a maker of content, e.g. a writer, painter or cake maker or chef), or a mechanist (a maker of systems, processes, tools, etc). And we all need each other. The trick is to know where you fall, so you know who else you need. And more. How to arrange them, attract them, and how to release thevalue found in your strengths and multiply it, leverage it.

Next, you need to understand the fundamentals of life, how life works. If you don't, you will end up wasting much energy, getting frustrated, using the wrong approaches, and generally get nowhere, which is what most people do on this planet. So here are thefundamentals, in a very small nutshell...

4. Plan the dive, then dive the plan. You need to make a plan, not just any plan, but a life plan. And there is a right way to do this. Yes, I know, life does not always work as planned. But you still need a plan.

5. Understand the Law of Attraction and how to apply it. Most people know it intuitively, some consciously even, but they do not know how to apply it correctly (and this also explains the prayers that never get answered). If they did know how to apply it
correctly, worrying would automatically stop to exist in their system. Worrying is an indication that you do not know how to apply the law of attraction properly.

6. To gain certainty, understand the science behind creation. Faith is good. But certainty is better. Understand how our world comes into being, how quantum physics works, and you will suddenly move from hope and faith to certainty. And that, my friend, is like adding twin-turbos to your manifestation vehicle.

7. Information is the key. Faith is running through the dark, sometimes in an unknown forest, head first. You will get to the other side, but you are likely to hit a few trees and bears along the way. Certainty is turning on the lights. Information = lights.
Save time (and your ass). Get informed.

8. Apply the 80/20 rule to everything. It will prevent you from wasting most of your efforts.

9. Gain financial intelligence. Without it, your efforts will be scattered in the wind every week. With it, your efforts will go towards growing a garden that will forever feed you even when you stop working. You see, you have to know how to arrange your affairs
so that, over time, you progressively move from having to work for money, and onto having money work for you. Most people never take this step! And they are doomed to forever have to exchange their time for currency. Imagine having currency come to you with you having to exchange your time for it.

And now, you are a whole lot closer to beginning to live the dream...

10. Understand very well how to use these tools and you will never get stuck: projects, tasks and strategic next actions. This is a science and art-form that is known by very few, yet it is so easy to learn. Paralysis will forever never, ever bother you again.

11. Connect your strengths to your wealth profile to create abundance in all areas of your life.

12. Get help! Learn how to outsource, delegate and cooperate. This way, you will be free to do only what you love and are strong at, you will have other people do what you are weak at, and you will actually move forward much, much faster and far, far more rewardingly, financially and otherwise.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Our Success!

Johan Halid    ( Luxjohan )

Friday, October 1, 2010

Energy For Money

Unfortunately we are surrounded by a lot of negative energy. Yet,  if we can raise our energy, we will start to feel ourselves pulling out of the negative energy surrounding us. The energy in our environment is often pulling us down so we have to protect ourselves by aligning ourselves with people and situations that do not deplete our energy.

How can we build up our energy? By only focusing on things that make us feel good. I have also found associating with like-minded people raises my energy faster than anything else because I am surrounded by the groups combined energy. The problem is, when I leave that uplifting energetic environment and go back to my normal daily routine, that higher energy level is often dissipated.

I soon realized that I had to learn to condition my energy to maintain or vibrate at a consistently high level. Once I learned how to maintain my energy, I could also use that energy to uplift other people. The easiest way to do this is to make the decision that you will feel "good".  That's all it takes.  If you feel "bad" in any moment, reach for a thought that makes you feel just a little bit better and see what happens.

One of the fastest ways to open the flow of riches into your life is to help other people raise their energy. In fact, it has become a major part of my purpose to raise the energy of every person I meet.  This is not easy to do, but the rewards are far beyond the effort it takes to do this on a daily basis.

I practice it every day. Even when I meet a total stranger, I make the effort to uplift their energy, even if it is as simple as giving them a smile or being warm and friendly. 

Since energy is transferable without having to say a word, you can raise the energy level of the people around you just by sending them your thoughts. Try this experiment.  As you come into contact with other people, especially the ones that seem unhappy or stressed, take a moment and project a good feeling toward them. Say something like. "I wish the best for you."  Or better yet, say "I love you". Now I know this is not easy, but the rewards will be well worth your time and effort if you do it consistently, moment by moment and day by day. It has an accumulative affect that will simply amaze you.

If you are like most people you will read this and say, "I cannot see how this is going to help my money situation. I bought this program to increase the flow of money into my life. Just show me how to do that!"  That's EXACTLY what I am showing you right now. The money you desire will flow into your life in direct proportion to the energy level or consciousness you are willing to maintain.

Now you have two choices. You can read this and forget about it, agreeing that it is a good idea but do nothing about it, OR you can DO something about it.  Just try it for a week and see what a difference it makes in your life.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Our Success!

Johan Halid    ( Luxjohan )